The Genealogy of Peiter Heyl and His Descendants, 1100 - 1936
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The Genealogy of Peiter Heyl and His Descendants, 1100 - 1936
1.558 zapisov
The Genealogy of Peiter Heyl and His Descendants, 1100 - 1936; With the Intermarried Families of Arnold, Bess, Byrd, Cansler, Carlock, Carpenter, Costner (Kestner), Davis, Freeman, Friday, Gantt (Gaunt,<br><br> Ghent), Green, Hahn, Henkel, Hoffman, Hovis, Huffstetler, Jones, Klein, Lineberger (Leinberger), Mendenhall, McIntosh, Nesbitt, Payne, Patton, Peel, Peeler, Porter, Ramsour, Reinhardt, Rhyne, Reynolds, Robinson, Rudisill, Shuford, Summey, Smith, Thompson, Wells, Warlick, Weidner and Wilfong. Rucker, Elizabeth Hoyle. Shelby, NC. (1938)
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