Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia, Volume 1, Part 2
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Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia, Volume 1, Part 2
682 zapisov
Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia (.). I. Introductory remarks. Miscellaneous papers. Journal of Council of safety [1775-1777] Journal of Provincial congress [1775-1776] Constitution of 1777.<br><br> Miscellaneous papers. Proclamations. Georgia act of attainder, 1778. British disqualifying act, 1780. British act of attainder, 1781. Act of confiscation and banishment, 1782. Without orgainized government. Supreme executive council [1779] Constitutional government. Sales of confiscated estates. Appendix.--II. Minutes of the Executive council, January 14, 1778-January 6, 1785. Journal of the Land court, April 6-May 26, 1784.--III. Journal of the House of assembly, August 17, 1871-February 26, 1784
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