History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts
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History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts
858 zapisov
History of North Brookfield, Massachusetts. J.H. Temple. This volume is more than just a history of the town of North Brookfield. Temple has also included extensive extracts from the town records of Brookfield,<br><br> the parent town, and has compiled genealogical accounts of most of the earliest families of the town.<br>North Brookfield was not set off from Brookfield as a separate town until 1812. Had Temple chosen to cover just the history of this town, he would have had only seventy-five years in the nineteenth century to write about. Fortunately, he decided to dig back into the history of the parent town, thus taking the story back into the middle of the seventeenth century.<br>While he did not include in this volume a complete transcript of the early records of Brookfield, he did scour the state and town records to find many interesting documents. These are not just town orders about ringing the swine and electing the constable. There are also militia lists, tax lists, petitions and other documents that include information on town inhabitants at all social levels.<br>When combined with the genealogical supplement at the end of the book, this style of including a selection of records provides the researcher with a broad perspective on the entire population of the town.
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