Victorian Government Gazette 1856
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Raziskujte v Victorian Government Gazette 1856
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Victorian Government Gazette 1856
2.269 zapisov
Victorian Government Gazette 1856. 1856. Government gazettes for a particular locality eventually become standardised with the type of material listed. In the 1850s you can expect the <i>Victorian<br><br> Government Gazettes </i>to include the following information that will usually list names and sometimes name of emigrant vessel, addresses and/or occupations:</p> <ul> <li>applicants for patents</li> <li>appointees to government positions</li> <li>auctioneers</li> <li>cemetery and church land trustees</li> <li>consuls</li> <li>contributors to the Nightingale Fund for nurses and hospital attendants</li> <li>creation and dissolution of business partnerships</li> <li>depasturing licences</li> <li>executed prisoners</li> <li>insolvents</li> <li>land purchasers</li> <li>missing friends</li> <li>persons owing money to Treasury</li> <li>persons named in writs to be executed by the Sheriff</li> <li>petitioners to establish local government</li> <li>successful tenderers for government business and works</li> <li>unclaimed letters</li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>8 Jul 1856 p1133</p> <blockquote> <p ALIGN="left">Chief Secretary&apos;s Office<br> Melbourne.<br> THE undermentioned persons are requested to apply at this Office, without delay, to receive information of private interest to themselves or to enable the Government to reply to the enquiries of their friends. <br> No. 83.-JULY 8TH, 1856.-3.<br> In the event of the decease of any of these parties, information is likewise requested.</p> <p ALIGN="RIGHT">By His Excellency &apos; s Command,<br> WILLIAM C. HAINES.<br></p> <p>ANN LOUDON and her children Alice, Mary, Rachel, Esther and Francis Loudon, formerly of the County of Londonderry, Ireland, who are supposed to have arrived in this Colony within the last two years.-V. 4781.</p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p>Gazettes are published by governments and their agencies as a means of communication to officials and the general public. As such they are useful, not only to monitor the actions of the government, but also as far as family historians are concerned, they are valuable primary source documents.</p>
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